yichao firstname, zeaster nickname, zhang lastname

A tool that import all posts from wordpress to blogger in python

the tool can be downloaded from


1 set the following parameters in the wordpress2blogger.py file
# set your wordpress username, password, xmlrpc url    
wp_username = 'admin'  
wp_passwd = 'mypwd'
wp_url = 'http://localhost/wordpress/xmlrpc.php'
# set your blogger email, password, blogid
# blogid is in your blogspot Dashboard url, for example:
# http://www2.blogger.com/posts.g?blogID=18083698, "18083698" is your blogid.
blogger_email = 'yichao.zhang@gmail.com'
blogger_passwd = 'mypwd'
blogger_blogid = '18083698'

# set how many recent posts do you want to import from wordpress to blogger
wp_recent_posts_num = 5 

# set debug mode = True if you want to get debug info
DEBUG = True

3 make sure python in your path

4 in terminal, type the following command
   "python wordpress2blogger.py"

js feature by jQuery copied from codeplayer

Now, after loading this page, all titles of the posts are folded and click "+" to unfold, click title to dig into the single post page.
The feature above is implemented by the following code copied from codeplayer.
css part:

script part:
<script src='http://www.douban.com/js/jquery.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language='javascript'>
  $(".post-title").prepend("<span class='mytoggle'>-</span>");
      var content = $(this).parent().next().next();

Translate ipmsg into GBK on Mac OS X

惊喜!ipmsg竟然有unix,Mac OS X,java等诸多版本。




哈哈,这下在Mac OS X下也可以使用ipmsg了,虽然java版的不支持文件传输,但以后接收公司通知是没问题了。

PS - 2009-02-16:
应网友的请求, 把原来打好包的ipmsg放到了这里, 方便有需要的朋友下载

另外, 如果有朋友想继续完善ipmsg for Mac OS X 的功能, 可以下载这个eclipse项目.

active mode OR passive mode on FTP

自从给小黑装上了Mac OS X就再也不想用windows了,不管是xp还是vista,都太蹩脚了
后来证实是因为ftp命令行使用active mode(主动模式)所以可以访问,而flashFXP选用passive mode(被动模式)无法访问,不选用被动模式则可以正常访问。

ftp以及telnet等老式的通信协议使用了2种端口,一个是命令端口(Command Port),另一个是数据端口(Data Port)


xmlrpc for python


1) how to call xmlrpc method in python
>>> import xmlrpclib
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost/wordpress/xmlrpc.php")
>>> pprint(server.system.listMethods() )


>>> blogs = server.metaWeblog.getRecentPosts('','admin','passwd',5)
>>> pprint(blogs)
>>> print(blogs[2]['permaLink'])


2)how to setup a xmlrpc server in python

import calendar, SimpleXMLRPCServer
#The server object
class Calendar:
    def getMonth(self, year, month):
        return calendar.month(year, month)

    def getYear(self, year):
        return calendar.calendar(year)
calendar_object = Calendar()
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8888))
#Go into the main listener loop
print "Listening on port 8888"

3)write a client to test server above
import xmlrpclib
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8888")
month = server.getMonth( 2002, 8 )
print month

     August 2002
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
                 1    2    3   4
 5   6   7   8    9   10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

pprint means pretty print. A cool tool too.

1 http://docs.python.org/lib/module-xmlrpclib.html
2 http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-pyth10.html
3 http://groovy.codehaus.org/XMLRPC

A simpler tool that imports all posts from wordpress to blogger/blogspot

jigar told me that the tool I post yesterday is too technical in Groups Google.
can you make it simpler by making a standalone application. (I m trying
with that.)
This is too technical.
 If successful definitely it will be most useful thing around for
so I made it simpler by building a standalone. and
The simpler tool can be downloaded from this link.

After that, I found python is more suitable to do this staff and I'll try to make a more simpler tool written in python later.

0. What is it used for?
This is a simple tool to import all posts from wordpress to blogger/blogspot.

1. How to use it?
1.1 as standalone app
for windwows user
1) set java in your path
2) set some parameters in run.bat, see details in run.bat
3) run run.bat now.

for linux/Mac OS X user
1) set java in your path
2) some parameters in run.sh, see details in run.sh
3) run run.sh now.

1.2 you can compile it and run it of course!
This tool depends on (a) Google Data APIs java client library and (b) apache xml-rpc library.
You can find them on
(a) http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/download/gdata.java.zip
(b) http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/download.html

download and put the above two libraries in your classpath
now configure some parameters in src/org/easter/blogsync/SyncWorker.java
1) set your wordpress blog url
2) set your wordpress blog username and password
3) set your blogger username and password
4) set your blogger blogid. Don't know what's your blogger's blogid? go to step 2.
5) set how many recent posts do you want to import from wordpress.

ok, let's run SyncWorker.java, and done.

2. what is my blogger blogid?
It's in your blogspot Dashboard url, for example: http://www2.blogger.com/posts.g?blogID=18083698
"18083698" is your blogid.

install subversion on Mac OS X

DO NOT use *.zip file, that's for windows!
decompress *.tar.gz and *-deps.tar.gz and just run:
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --prefix=/usr/local/subversion --with-ssl --without-berkeley-db

simple shell to compress and decompress .tar.gz on Mac OS X

tar -czf dirname.tar.gz dirname

tar -xzf dirname.tar.gz

parameter -z means .gz

A tool that imports all posts from wordpress to blogger/blogspot

The tool can be download from this link


0. What is it used for?
This is a simple tool to import all posts from wordpress to blogger/blogspot.

1. How to use it?
This tool depends on (a) Google Data APIs java client library and (b) apache xml-rpc library.
You can find them on
(a) http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/download/gdata.java.zip
(b) http://ws.apache.org/xmlrpc/download.html

download and put the above two libraries in your classpath
now configure some parameters in src/org/easter/blogsync/SyncWorker.java
1) set your wordpress blog url
2) set your wordpress blog username and password
3) set your blogger username and password
4) set your blogger blogid. Don't know what's your blogger's blogid? go to step 2.
5) set how many recent posts do you want to import from wordpress.

ok, let's run SyncWorker.java, and done.

2. what is my blogger blogid?
It's in your blogspot Dashboard url, for example: http://www2.blogger.com/posts.g?blogID=18083698

"18083698" is your blogid.

The tool can be download from this link

technorati tags:, ,

blogger/blogspot is running on tomcat 4.1.24 ?!

log in http://www.blogger.com/feeds/default/blogs

input invalid authentication info, it shows up:

BTW: Google do not have a custom error page ?!

see this image:

technorati tags:,


limodou 人称李木头,此人技术深厚,擅长写作技术blog,信仰“自己的才是大家的”!

Zoom. Quiet 人称woodpecker社区大妈,虽称大妈,不过看上去像是位艺术家,发型极具特色

刘鑫 March.Liu



Install apache 2.0.x, mysql 5.0.*, php 5.2.0 on Mac OS X

1 install apache
sudo make install

apache installed on /usr/local/apache2

2 install mysql
cp -Rf mysql-5.0.* /System/Library/Frameworks/Mysql.framework/
ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Mysql.framework/mysql-5.0.* /usr/local/mysql
ln -s /usr/local/mysql/data /Volumes/WRK/mysql-4.1.22/data

start mysql (do NOT start as root):
stop mysql
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin shutdown

3 install php
./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --prefix=/usr/local/php
sudo make install
cp src/php-5.2.0/php.ini-dist /usr/local/php/php.ini

4 config apache
vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf

LoadModule php5_module        modules/libphp5.so
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
PHPIniDir "/usr/local/php"

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php

ln -s /usr/local/apache2/htdocs /Volumes/WRK/Apache2/htdocs

that's all.

cnn news on 01.09

And thanks for staying with us. Here I'm Rechard Lui at the CNN center in Atlanta with your news update this hour.

A massive plan to security Baghdad said to be at the center of President Bush's new Iraq strategy. CNN has learned under this plan the capital and its neighbourhoods will be cordoned off and more US Iraqi troops will be moved in. President is expected to tell us more during the speech which is expected to happen on Wednsday at 9:00pm Eastern.

Scientists may have alternatives to a controversial embryonic stem cells. Researchers at Wake Forest and Harvard say they found stem cells in amniotic fluid donated by pregnant women. They say they've extracted them without harming the mother or the fetus. And the cells hold the same possibilities as the embryonic stem cells.

Colorado's latest snow storm is hurting rescurers' efforts to save thousands of cows stranded in the snow. Helicopters are dropping bales of hay to feed hungry cattle and an agricultural official says that about thirty five hundred cattle may have died in the state so far. He adds there that surviving cattle face the threat of lung infections from stress and dehydration.

Home Security at the port of Mami reporting all secure today. The cargo area was shut and three men were detained yesterday. The driver raised suspicions at a security gate. He did not have the right ID and he indicated he was alone and there were really three men in the truck in total. The two iraqis and a Lebanese national are in local police custody.

Today is the fifth anniversay of the "No Child Left Behind" act. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings commemorated the anniversary with the speech to education leaders this morning. The law aims to ensure that all children can do reading and math skills at grade level by 2014.

And while the college football season is ending, the NFL postseason is still going. We are down to the final 18, in the case you've been counting. It is the Eagles and the Saints on saturday night. The Bears and Seahawks will be swore to square off there on Sunday afternoon. Ah, the coaches, they will be in the place they used to call home Baltimore on Saturday afternoon. And the Patriots meet the Chargers in Santiago on Sunday. Some good matches up there.

And that's the news this hour. Remember whether you are on line or watching TV, we're your source CNN for up-to-minute headlines anytime day and night. Have a great one!