yichao firstname, zeaster nickname, zhang lastname

How to share your writely documents with others in a sinlge page?

Now if you wanna share a doc in writely with others, you should send them the link of that doc.But if you wanna share many documents with many others, what should you do?
The rss feature of writely provides a way to us that you can put a bundle of you docs in a single web page for everyone to access.

1 tags the docs you wanna share in the same tag and get the rss addressfor instance, it's one of mine:
http://www/. writely.com/RSSFeed.aspx?userID=ajgf4th58mkq&authToken=Pz_tnRd4VPsYWwmX6Valrg00&recentDocs=true&x=

2 write a html file, looks like this file http://yichao.zhang.googlepages.com/MyWritelyPublished.htm
This html file uses ajax to retrieve all the doc links from rss address you get in the first step.
note: the htm file above should show all published docs in my writely. but it does not work if you visit it direct because ajax is forbidden in googlepages. So download the file and open it locally, there is no problem. it works file in IE now. not firefox yet.

3 put the html file on your site. Now those that know your html file link can access your docs in the specified tag in writely.The docs and the html file are synchronized automatically due to the power of rss. :-)They can access your newly added files without the writely doc link.

how to solve php "Warning: Cannot modify header information" in gallina

when using gallina, this warning always shows up:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ......

change the encoding from gb2312 to utf-8 and the php works fine.

several ways to monitor the jvm

  • using jconsole in jdk1.5
    • Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() returns current freeMemory
    • using -Xloggc: para
      • add '-Xloggc:gc.log' to vm parameters and the file gc.log shows detail memory usage from startup
      • there is many tools to analyze the file to show you figures.